Swagger Express Middleware

Swagger 2.0 middlware and mocks for Express.js

The Resource class

The Resource class represents a single REST resource in your API. If you are unfamiliar with RESTful API design, here is a good article on the topic.

Every Resource object corresponds to a single URL. That URL consists of two parts:

Here are some examples of URLs and their corresponding collections and names:

URL Collection Path Resource Name
/static/pages/index.html /static/pages /index.html
/restaurants/washington/seattle/ /restaurants/washington /seattle/
/restaurants/washington/seattle/joes-diner /restaurants/washington/seattle /joes-diner
/ (the root of your API) (empty string) /

TIP: Swagger Express Middleware honors your Express App’s settings, such as case-sensitivity and strict-routing. By default, the URLs “/users/jdoe”, “/users/JDoe”, and “/users/jdoe/” all map to the same Resource object. But if you enable strict routing and case-sensitive routing in your app, then those URLs will be treated as three different resources.


Resource(path, data)

Resource(collection, name, data)

TIP: Remember, JSON does not support literal values for some JavaScript types. Date objects are serialized as strings (in ISO 8601 format), undefined is sometimes serialized as null (such as when in an array), and RegExp objects are serialized as empty objects. So you might need to sanitize your data prior to passing it to the Resource constructor.


Property Name Data Type Description
collection string The resource’s collection path. This property can be an empty string, if the resource is at the root of your API.

The collection path should always begin with a forward slash and should not end with one. The Resource constructor automatically handles this normalization. For example, “pets/” becomes “/pets”.
name string The resource’s unique name within its collection. This property cannot be an empty string. It will always contain at least a single forward slash.

Resource names should always begin with a forward slash and may also end with one. The Resource constructor automatically handles this normalization. For example, “Fido” becomes “/Fido”.
data any The resource’s data. This can be any value that is serializable as JSON.
createdOn Date object The date/time that the resource was first saved to a DataStore. This property is automatically set by the DataStore class.
modifiedOn Date object The date/time that the resource was last saved (or updated) in a DataStore. This property is automatically set by the DataStore class.

Instance Methods


The Resource class overrides the default Object.toString() method to return the full resource path (collection + name).


The Resource class overrides the default Object.valueOf() method to return the full resource path (collection + name). It also supports extra parameters to control case-sensitivity and optionally return only the collection name, but these parameters should be considered a private API and should not be used.


Merges the specified data with this resource’s data. If the data cannot be merged, then this resource’s data is overwritten with the new data.

Static Methods


Parses JSON data into Resource objects.